Web Sites

Parents....REMEMBER.... monitor your child's internet usage.
Clicking on advertisements may take them to unintended sites.

When you click on a link a new window or tab will open. To return to this page, close that window or tab.

Typing Lessons and Games

Keyboarding Online  3rd, 4th, and 5th graders need their user name and password to use this.

Typing Club


Research and Homework Help

Facts4Me - A great place to learn or do research.
You can use everything between 8AM & 5PM Monday-Friday using the school username and password.

InfOhio - need to use school username and password at home. 

Spelling City

Grades 3, 4, and 5

Cool Math 4 Kids


Accelerated Reader

Grades: K  1   2


Peep and friends:Games

For all students


PBS Kids

Fun Brain

Room Recess -
    Click on grade level buttons at top right.

Arcademic Skill Builders - Arcade learning games


National Geographic Kids


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