Bath Music Association

Welcome to the Bath Music Association

The mission of the Bath Music Association is to provide unified educational and financial
support for the students of the Bath Bands, Bath Choirs, and their directors.

We are a volunteer, non-profit organization formed to aid financially or in any other way possible the band and choir programs at Bath Schools according to need and available resources.

Membership is open to all parents and/or legal guardians of students who are members of the band program or the choir program at Bath Schools, and any other person interested in the activities of the organization.  There are no dues, and if you have a student in Band or Choir you are now a member of the association.  We invite you to attend the monthly meeting and become more involved.

Meetings are usually held during the school year in the High School band room on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. 

How do I volunteer? Fill out the form below!

2024-2025 BMA Officers
Executive Board:
President: Lori Rickett
1st Vice Presidents: Mark Tracy
2nd Vice President: Jessica Early
3rd Vice President: Vacant
Immediate Past President: Adam Bowers
Secretary: Amy Junkins
Secretary-Elect: Stephanie Jordan
Treasurer: Kelly Shields

Buying Committee: Rick Shields, Lori Rickett
Calling Committee: Julie Falke & Samantha Steiner
Gift Card Committee: Janet Lauf
School Board Liaison: Lenora Herbst
Uniform Committee: Tammy Schadewald, Dylan Green, Janet Lauf

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