Bath Elementary Music


In elementary music we begin by exploring music by singing, chanting, dancing , and playing instruments.  

In kindergarten, first grade, and second grade we work hard on developing our singing voice.  We learn to match pitch and sing in our light, head voice.  We also learn to move to a steady beat and investigate artfulness in music.  

In third and fourth grade we begin reading music both with solfège and rhythm while continuing to review and refine our singing voices, beat, and exploring emotion in music. 

In fifth grade, the students take a semester each of exploratory choir, taught by Mrs. Haselman, & exploratory band, taught by Mrs. Snyder and Mr. Hanhold.
Video: April 20, 2022 Third graders are practicing the Alma Mater for their Spring Arts Festival performance.V
Video: May 10, 2022 Many of our youngest students have never seen someone play the violin.Video: November 17, 2022 Right now first and second graders are improvising (making up) their own little songs.
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