Title I is a Federal Aid Program through which most Ohio school districts receive funding to provide supplemental instruction for qualifying students. Title I services are provided for all children in our district who qualify. Selection for the program is based on teacher recommendation, parental input, and performance on standardized tests.
The Title I program at Bath Middle School is a support program to supplement regular classroom math instruction as well as basic math skills.
Tutors will see students anywhere from 2 to 5 days a week. While there will be time for students to ask questions about homework, the primary focus is to reinforce what is being taught in the math classroom.
Bath Local School District looks for our parents to be active partners in their child’s education. Parents are encouraged to reach out to their child’s teachers and communicate regularly with them to discuss their student’s progress.
Parent engagement activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
School learning nights
Parent-teacher conferences
Providing timely information concerning Title I
Parent surveys related to the planning, development, and operation of the program
Responding to parent recommendations and concerns
Regular communication
Adoption of a School-Parent Compact
Assuring that information related to school programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to the parents in a timely manner
Progress Book Parent Access
These ongoing activities and means of consultation will enable parents and teachers to collaborate to build a partnership between home and school.